Thursday, July 12, 2012

Basic algebra

I found a new interpretation (atleast new to me) for (a+b)n ..if we have n items and we want to partition them into two parts, then (a+b)n gives us a clue..
(a+b)n can be interpreted as follows.
Imagine that you have n slots and each slot can take either a or b.
Let us come up with the number of ways in which these slots can be filled :
Assume n=3 for simplicity
In this case we have the following options

Now let us group this based on number  of a values and number of b values




So we notice the following
a3b0 is occuring 1 time
a2b1 is occurring 3 times
a1b2 is occurring 3 times
a0b3 is occuring 1 time

(a+b)3= 1xa3b0+3xa2b1+3xa1b2+1xa0b3

the number of times any combination aibj occurs is equal to the number of ways in which we can choose a i times and b j times while ensuring that number of a values and number of b values sum to n i.e. i+j=n

Apply the well known combination formula nCr = n!/(n-r)!r!
(a+b)3= 3C0xa3b0+3C1xa2b1+3C2xa1b2+3C3xa0b3

So (a+b)n = Σ r=0 to n nCr x arb(n-r)
Note that the coefficients are symmetric in the sense that a=r and b=n-r has the same coefficient as b=r and a=n-r
Suppose we set a=1 and b=1 then we get

2=  Σ i=0 to n nCr

       OR  we can write this as 


    OR we can write this as 

2n = 1+ n+n(n-1)/2 + n(n-1)(n-2)/6 + n(n-1)(n-2)(n-3)/24.... 

Let us now see how we can do the same thing for

here we have to find the number of ways in which 3 kinds of items are selected
example we have apples, bananas and cherries
We need to select 3 fruit - how many ways can we do it
3 apples and 0 bananas and 0 cherries
2 apples and 0 bananas and 1 cherry
2 apples and 1 banana and 0 cherries
1 apple and 0 bananas and 2 cherries
1 apple and 1 banana and 1 cherry
1 apple and 2 bananas and 0 cherries
0 apples and 0 bananas and 3 cherries
0 apples and 1 banana and 2 cherries
0 apples and 2 bananas and 1 cherry
0 apples and 3 bananas and 0 cherries

This is like choosing r apples and s bananas and (n-r-s) cherries
Replace apples, bananas and cherries with a, b and c and we get the various terms in the equation
r can take value 0 to 3
s can take value 0 to 3
Replace 3 with n and we can get the solution for (a+b+c)n
So it is a double summation
(a+b+c)n = Σ r=0 to n Σ s=0 to n nCr,s x arbsb(n-r-s)

Now we can apply this same logic to find (a+b+c..+k)n where instead of choosing only a and b and c we
have to choose k items
This means we need to partition into k sets with set 1 having n1 items, set 2 having n2 items..and so on till set k-1 having nk-1 items and the remaining items in set k
In this case each term in the summation is of the following form
an1bn2cn3....jnjk(n-(n1+n2...nj)) and the coeffecient is n!/(n1! x n2! x n3!...(n-(n1+n2...+nj))!

Another interesting derivation

Suppose a=-1 and b = 1 and we substitute this in
(a+b) then we get the following results
when n is even
0 = 1 - n + n(n-1)/2 - n(n-1)(n-2)/6 + n(n-1)(n-2)(n-3)/24.... -n(n-1)/2 + n - 1
 n - n(n-1)/2 + n(n-1)(n-2)/6 -  n(n-1)(n-2)(n-3)/24.... =  1

when n is odd
0 = -1 + n - n(n-1)/2 + n(n-1)(n-2)/6 - n(n-1)(n-2)(n-3)/24.... 
n - n(n-1)/2 + n(n-1)(n-2)/6 - n(n-1)(n-2)(n-3)/24....  = 1

Each term will appear once with a positive sign and once with a negative sign. As a result it sums to zero.

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